Mike Anderson
Owner & President
Mike Anderson began his successful automotive career 34 years ago in a Toyota dealership. With his exceptional leadership, personnel development, and coaching skills, Mike rapidly advanced through dealership management, eventually becoming the General Manager of a dealer group in Georgia. His insight into automotive customer satisfaction and larger consumer trends prompted him to transition his first stores to the One Price model in 1990. This far-sighted move proved highly advantageous for the dealerships he transformed and led to his twenty-eight-year relationship with The Rikess Group.
Through his career Mike has led, managed, and coached retail clients in advanced sales, service, and management processes. He has successfully transitioned over 400 dealerships to more customer-friendly, technologically-advanced, efficient, and more profitable operations. He has presented at Digital Dealer, Driving Sales, State Dealer Associations, and OEM conferences, as well as appearing on CBT and web shows. Mike is a certified John Maxwell Speaker, Coach, Mentor and certified D.I.S.C. facilitator.
Mike resides in the Atlanta area with his lovely wife Amy; they have six children and five grandchildren. Mike’s interest includes spending time with the family, frequenting the Atlanta music venues, playing guitar, fly fishing and landscaping.
Connect with Me
- “Negotiation Free Selling: It’s Time Has Come” Car Bix Today. CBT Conference. Breakout Session. January 2016.
Learn about the automotive tradition with the Automotive State of the Union and what challenges/recommendations come with that. Meet your customer’s expectations and learn common challenges that come along with having the keys to success. This industry is a changing marketplace, rethink “profit” and reduce expenses while increasing sales.